Friday, August 10, 2007


I guess I'm just not into blogging like others. Don't really feel like my life is all that interesting to others. Don't do many exciting things or go that many exciting places. At least not that often.

Did go camping with the scouts this past month. July 18 thru 21 about 12 of us went to the Mirror Lake Pass in the high Uintas.

Taken up golfing...again...been going with my neighbor and his dad. Wish I had more time. I get very competitive and want to work on my game, but others things, such as work and family, seem to get in the way. Go figure. Need to find a job that requires me to go golfing with clients or potential clients. That's the kind of job for me. Sounds kinda selfish, don't it?

The weather here is finally starting to change for the better. Haven't seen 100 degrees in a couple of weeks now. Nights are starting to cool off too. This is the perfect time to head to the mountains for camping. Which reminds me that I need to get my fishing license so I can grill up some trout the camping trip we take. Last year the kids caught some crawdads and boiled them. They even ate them...all? Can't remember.

My lawn is starting to recover from all the heat and drought. Green is starting to cover the corners now. May not seem much to others, but I like the feel of lush green grass under my feet...and I do go barefoot a lot. I get home from work and change into shorts and a t-shirt and don't put shoes on again until I have too.

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