Thursday, October 23, 2008

Father/Daughter Activity

So, about a week ago the Young Women in our ward hosted a Father/Daughter acitivity. We played a couple of games. One was the matching game. We had two bulletin boards filled with fathers on one board and daughters on the other with the names on the backs of brightly colored cards. We were broken up into two teams and had to pick one card from each side. We took turns until we figured out where the matches were. It's the same game we played as kids, but I don't remember a name, other than the Matching Game.
Next we played a version of the Newlywed Game. I guess our version would be called How Well Do You Know Your Father/Daughter Game. Mandy and I know each other pretty well, but Sarah and I tied for the number of most correct answers.
Me and My Girls

Me and Sarah

Me and Moo


Anonymous said...

Oh, Robert, what sweet pictures of the girls and their daddy! So nice.
Love, Aunt Tuny

Suzanne said...

Looks like good memories were made. Fun times!